Amrita HIS
A One Stop Integrated Healthcare Technology Solution
Unlike legacy HIS systems that have added modules to a core ADT finance or laboratory information system, Amrita Hospital Information Suite (Amrita HIS) is designed entirely around the patient. This efficient and powerful design provides for a completely integrated database design and architecture, and excellent performance regardless of the size of your hospital. Amrita’s entire system runs on a single integrated database. Since orders for medication and diagnostic services or other ancillary services are a routine component of a clinical record, CPOE, nursing notes, physician notes, electronic medication administration records, pharmacy and even laboratory results are native within the core application.
Proven in hospitals with as few as 15 beds as well as in the largest tertiary hospitals (over 1300 beds), Amrita is a cost-effective and powerful solution for Meaningful Use attestation, implementing not only a fully functional inpatient EHR, but a complete HIS. For organizations that wish to retain existing modules such as billing, finance, or LIS, Amrita has a transparent data schema that easily interfaces with other systems.
- AHIS is 100% web based; it can run on Linux or Windows servers and has a low cost of ownership in an enterprise environment. Our data security provides data encryption at the server level with minimal impact on performance, and our role and user-based permissions are user configurable and granular.

Million Patients Cared for
Comprehensive Hospital Modules
Amrita HIS has several specialized modules and features such as
- Business Intelligence
- Pharmacy Management
- Specialty Templates
- Asset Management
- Dietary